June 10, 2016

Republic of Gamers (ROG)'s Manila Majors Got Something

Just sharing what ASUS Republic Of Gamers (ROG) got for the fans and readers during their Manila Majors event. Fans and readers can get a chance to win a Cerberus Headset and Mouse. Woohoo! Just simply follow the mechanics below.

1. Like ASUS Republic of Gamers Philippines FB Page.
2. Watch our livestream here - manilamajor-rog.com/vods
3. Guess the newest ROG Laptop and Desktop featured in the ROG Booth
4. Tell at least 2 main features each of the Laptop and Desktop
5. Participants must share this post and use the answers as caption using hashtags ‪#‎JoinTheRepublic ‪#‎ManilaMajor ‪#‎MMRROGDay3
6. We will choose (1) winner and will be announced on June 28, 2016
7. Winner will get (1) Cerberus Headset.
*For participants outside Philippines, ROG Forum Registration is required. Register here - bit.ly/ROGPHForum

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