December 29, 2008

"Lili Lite is a Reding Light, Bookmark and Bookshelf"

If you’re a book fanatic and really can’t hold to hold off the book Lili Lite solves your problem. This lili lite is not only a reading light or a bookshelf but it is also a bookmark. It is cleverly invented by merging three roles in just one gadget. This cool gadget is installed right on top of your headboard as a lamp if you want to do anything besides reading. If you loves book and stock three or more to read before sleeping lili lite serves as a bookshelf for you and when reading and you got sleepy in the middle of a good part of the book and you don’t have any bookmark beside this gadget can be a bookmark for you. Plus in addition this gadget has a sensor that turn’s off the light once you park your book on it and turns on once you pick it up again.

About EUR 119 or $155 you can avail this very cool gadget designed by Studio Smeets, I really would love to have one of this!

Source: cool gadgets


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